Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Fresh air * campfires * falling asleep to the sound of peepers * catching your first fish * smores * 75 degree weather * sleeping in a bunk bed for the very first time * throwing rocks in the water * no tv * roasting marshmallows * eating roasted marshmallows *

Camping. It's good for the soul (whether yours is four years old or thirty four years old).


Penny said...

Looks glorious!

The Roses said...

totally agree!

Anonymous said...

Please forgive my stupid comment , but looking on picture http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs005.snc1/2806_70307174062_841069062 I noticed that it looks like something could be wrong with your thyroid. I could be wrong though and I hope I am but please chek that out.